Personnel Staffers is a staffing service, specializing in office support placements. We also offer computer software training to individuals and private industry. Additionally, we provide resume and manuscript typing, secretarial support to non-traditional clients; plus, evaluations and testing of individuals for companies wishing to hire directly. We employ professional people, just like you, to help us fulfill our commitment to our clients: Service & Satisfaction.
When to Contact Personnel Staffers:
We are always available for you whenever you may need us, but be sure to contact us at the following times:
- When you are available for an assignment
- When you are NOT available for any assignments
- When you will be late to arrive or unable to attend work
- The customer requires more advanced skills than explained
- If you are dissatisfied with your assignment
- If you are injured on the job (within 24 hours of occurrence)
- You have any questions or concerns while on a job assignment
- You change your name, address, or telephone number
- You have questions about payroll, paid holidays, and/or vacation
As an active member of our staff, we highly regard your opinion and want to always keep an “open line” of communication. Your questions about any problems you are having, or regarding policy, are always welcome. You may either call to discuss your situation, or you may schedule a personal conference at any time.
If and when you find you will resign from Personnel Staffers, Inc., please provide a resignation letter to us for our files. In order to expedite the process please download the Resignation Form and return to Personnel Staffers.
If on assignment, you MUST provide a minimum of one-week notice to Personnel Staffers so that we have time to replace you. If you do not provide a minimum of one-week notice, you will not be eligible for rehire with Personnel Staffers.